Friday, November 7, 2008

Baileys Friends fund

Our sweet baby, Bailey Grace Blake, was born on October 2nd, 2008 and passed away just over 60 hours later on October 4th, 2008. When Bailey passed away we decided we wanted to do something in her honor to help others. She was such a blessing to us and she brought so many people close together and had so many people praying for her before and after her birth. Seeing how many lives she touched even before her birth made us realize what a special baby she was. We want to keep her memory alive by helping other people in her honor.

Bailey passed away due to a rare genetic disease called Thanatophoric Dysplasia. Initially we decided we would set her fund up to collect money for research for this disease. However, Thanatophoric Dysplasia is a disease that, unfortunately, can not be cured. It is a fatal disease that, no matter how much money is raised and research is done, can not be survived.
Because of this we decided, instead, to use her fund to help other Parents who lose a child. It is hard enough to suffer the loss of a Child but to have the financial burdens on top of it - medical expenses, funeral expenses, etc - makes it even harder. It is so hard to come home from the Hospital without your sweet little baby and then to continue getting bills for that birth for months afterwards, to have to go and pick out the final resting place for your baby, etc, etc. Because of this, we want to help other Parents with some of this financial burden.

Bailey's Friends fund will do this. We are currently finalizing the documentation outlining the application process for Parents in need of the services. However, to ensure that there is enough money ready and waiting when we begin receiving applications, we are starting the fundraising and advertising to build up the funds to get the program going.
If you are interested in helping with fundraising by hosting an event, donating to an auction, etc, please email us at
Monetary donations are also being accepted from businesses and individuals.

Thanks so much in helping us help others in their delicate time of need.
Chris, Jenn, Parker, and Caleb (Bailey's family)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great way to honor Bailey's life!